Instructor: Sharon Plotkin, EDD, CCSI
Course length: 40 hours
Modern Fingerprint Development and Documentation course is a comprehensive workshop that includes a historical perspective regarding latent fingerprints, physical and chemical processing of latent fingerprint evidence as well as latent print photography. The course will provide lectures, power points, hand out materials and many hands-on practicums to ensure all objectives are met.
Objectives: - Introduction to the anatomy and physiology of latent prints and latent print residue - Major case prints and exemplars - Personal protective equipment (PPE) - Alternate light source - Latent print processing: Porous and Non-Porous surfaces - Latent print processing: challenging surfaces - human skin, wet surfaces, tape adhesive, fabrics, wood, greasy surfaces - Enhancement and detection of fingerprints in blood - Fingerprint evidence photography including alternate light source photography At the conclusion of this Modern Fingerprint Development & Documentation course, the student should understand the physiological components of latent print residue, importance and collection of major case prints and identify the most effective latent print processing technique(s) with a consideration of surface and environmental considerations. The student will learn how to preserve the latent print evidence using alternate light sources and utilizing advanced photography techniques. Latent fingerprint development techniques include: - 1,2 Indanedione - DFO - Ninhydrin - Cyanoacrylate - Rhodamine 6G - Ardrox - RAM - Fingerprint powders: black, magnetic, fluorescent - Basic Yellow/ Basic Red - Amido Black - Leucocrystal Violet - Coomassie Blue - Small Particle Reagent - Sudan Black - MBD - Iodine - Adhesive Side Powder Course Schedule: Day One: 8:00- 10:00 AM -Lecture:
10:00- 10:15 AM- Break 10:15 AM- 11:00 AM - Lecture:
11:00 AM- 12:00 PM- Practicum- Rolling fingerprints (1 hour) 12:00- 1:00 PM- Lunch 1:00 PM- 2:00 PM- Lecture- black and magnetic powder technique (1 hour) 2:00 PM- 3:30 PM - Practicum: black and magnetic powder technique (1.5 hours) 3:30 PM- 4:30 PM Lecture: Photographic techniques (2 hours) 4:30 PM- 5:00 PM Practicum:
Day Two: 8:00- 10:00 AM- Lecture:
10:00- 10:15 AM- Break 10:15 AM- 12:00 PM- Practicum:
12:00- 1:00 PM- Lunch 1:00 PM- 2:00 PM- Lecture:
2:00- 5:00 PM- Practicum:
Day Three: 8:00 AM- 10:00 AM- Lecture:
10:00 AM- 10:15 AM- Break 10:15 AM-12:00 PM- Practicum:
12:00 PM- 1:00 PM- Lunch 1:00- 5:00 PM - Practicum:
Day Four: 8:00 AM- 9:00 AM- Lecture:
9:00 AM- 10:00 AM- Lecture:
10:00 AM- 10:15 AM- Break 10:15 AM-12:00 PM- Practicum:
12:00 PM- 1:00 PM- Lunch 1:00- 5:00 PM- Practicums:
Day Five: 8:00 AM- 10:00 AM- Lecture:
10:00 AM- 10:15 AM- Break 10:15 AM- 12:00 PM- Practicum:
12:00 PM- 1:00 PM- Lunch 1:00 PM- 4:00 PM- Practicum:
4:00 PM- 5:00 PM- Final Exam/ Certificates (1 hour) *Attendees must bring their issued agency camera equipment and tripod. Course is hands on so be sure to wear long pants, close toed shoes and polos. |
Sharon Plotkin, MS, CCSI Holding Master of Science degree in Criminal Justice with a minor in Psychology, a Bachelor of Science degree in Social Work, and an Associate of Arts degree in Psychology, Sharon Plotkin is currently seeking a doctoral degree in education. Sharon has received specialized training in various fields of crime scene investigations, including bloodstain reconstruction, photography, crime scene reconstruction, fingerprinting, shoe wear casting and other various topics. She is certified in crime scene investigations and has been doing crime scene work for almost 21 years. |
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