The International Association for Identification’s
Certification Program
The International Association for Identification (IAI) has established a certification program in order to identify qualified practitioners working in the various disciplines of forensic science. These certifications are not available to individuals with no experience or those working outside the field. The following is an excerpt from the IAI’s Certification Manual:
The need to identify qualified individuals who can provide essential professional forensic services has long been recognized. In response to this need and to promote ethical and professional practices among its participants, the IAI Certification Program was established to provide a program of certification in the profession of forensic identification, investigation, and scientific examination of physical evidence. In purpose, function and organization, the IAI Certification Boards are thus analogous to the certifying boards of other specialties and scientific fields.
The Certification Boards were established to set the standards and qualifications for those who practice specific disciplines within the forensic sciences; to establish voluntary certification testing of applicants who meet or exceed the training, educational, professional experience requirements set by the specific Certification Board; and to annually review, and if necessary, revise the standards and qualifications, as well as the specific Board’s provisions in the operations manual.
Each course offered by Tri-Tech Forensics has been presented to each of the certification boards applicable to the subject matter of the training. As new courses are added to our course catalog, these new courses are also submitted to this review. Upon review, courses meeting the requirements of the respective boards are approved for certification and/or re-certification training credit. The courses listed on the following table have been approved for the number of hours reflected in the table. Please refer to the certification manual at the following URL for training requirements of the various boards and further details.
The need to identify qualified individuals who can provide essential professional forensic services has long been recognized. In response to this need and to promote ethical and professional practices among its participants, the IAI Certification Program was established to provide a program of certification in the profession of forensic identification, investigation, and scientific examination of physical evidence. In purpose, function and organization, the IAI Certification Boards are thus analogous to the certifying boards of other specialties and scientific fields.
The Certification Boards were established to set the standards and qualifications for those who practice specific disciplines within the forensic sciences; to establish voluntary certification testing of applicants who meet or exceed the training, educational, professional experience requirements set by the specific Certification Board; and to annually review, and if necessary, revise the standards and qualifications, as well as the specific Board’s provisions in the operations manual.
Each course offered by Tri-Tech Forensics has been presented to each of the certification boards applicable to the subject matter of the training. As new courses are added to our course catalog, these new courses are also submitted to this review. Upon review, courses meeting the requirements of the respective boards are approved for certification and/or re-certification training credit. The courses listed on the following table have been approved for the number of hours reflected in the table. Please refer to the certification manual at the following URL for training requirements of the various boards and further details.
Certification Boards
BP: Bloodstain Pattern Analyst Certification
CS: Crime Scene Certification FW: Footwear Certification FA: Forensic Art Certification |
FP: Forensic Photography Certification
FV: Forensic Video Certification LP: Latent Print Certification TP: Tenprint Fingerprint Certification |
IAI Certification Board Approvals
Advanced Bloodstain Pattern Analysis
Advanced Bloodstain Pattern Analysis (Sievers)
Advanced CSI: Shooting Scenes Webinar
Advanced Crime Scene Documentation
Advanced Crime Scene Investigations (3-days)
Advanced Crime Scene Investigations (4-days)
Advanced Crime Scene Photography
Advanced Crime Scene Reconstruction: Graphics in Analysis
Advanced Digital Processing of Evidentiary Photography
Advanced Forensic Photography
Advanced Photographic Techniques for CSIs
ALS Workshop
Analysis and Documentation of Medical Death Investigations
Analysis of Distortion in Latent Prints
Autopsy and Injury Photography**
Basic Bloodstain Pattern Analysis
Basic Bloodstain Pattern Analysis (Sievers)
Basic Camera Functions webinar*
Basic Crime Scene Investigations
Basic Crime Scene Investigation and Management (Formerly Basic Crime Scene Investigations)
Basic Crime Scene Investigation Essentials
Basic Crime Scene Photography
Basic Fingerprint Classification and Comparison
Basic Friction Ridge Analysis
Basic Latent Print Comparison
Basic Latent Print Development
Basic Latent Print Examiner
Basic Metal Detector Operator
Basic Photography Webinar
Basic Sexual Assault Photography Webinar
Battlefield Forensics (Sensitive Site Exploitation)
Bloody Crime Scenes: From A to Z
Bloodstain Pattern Analysis on Textile
Bloodstain Pattern Recognition webinar (5 hours)
Bloodstain Pattern Recognition webinar (7 hours course)
Bloodstain Pattern Detection and Enhancement
Bloodstain Pattern Documentation
Bone or Stone? Human or Non-Human?
Bone or Stone? Human or Non-Human? Webinar
Bone Identification & Forensic Recovery of Scattered Human Remains
Bullet Ricochet Phenomena Webinar (2 hours)
Bullet Ricochet Phenomena Webinar (3 hours)
Child Death Investigations
Clandestine Burials: Locating & Excavating Buried Human Remains
Collecting & Preserving Entomological Evidence at a Death Scene webinar
Comprehensive Latent Print Comparison
Court Challenges - Avoiding Traps in Fingerprint Testimony
Courtroom Testimony for Fingerprint Examiners
Courtroom Testimony for the Forensic Science Professional
Crime Scene Analysis and Reconstruction
Crime Scene and Death Scene Photography
Crime Scene Investigations (24 hours)
Crime Scene Investigations (40 hours)
Crime Scene Photography
Crime Scene Photography: Composition Webinar
Crime Scene Metal Detector Operations
Crime Scene Search Principles and Patterns Webinar
Cultural Anthropology for Crime Scene Investigators
Death Investigations
Death Notification Interactions webinar
Death Scene Investigations - Anthropology
Detection and Enhancement of Bloodstain Evidence
Detection, Enhancement, & Documenting Blood Evidence
Detection of Forged and Fabricated Latent Print Evidence Webinar
Discovering Trace Evidence
Distortion & ACE-V Guide for Friction Ridge Examiners
Documentation and Chemical Enhancement of Bloody Crime Scenes
Documentation and Recovery of Human Remains
Enhancing and Detecting Blood Evidence on Crime Scenes
Ethics & Values: Choices and Consequences in Difficult Situations
Ethical and Professional Obligations in Forensics
Essential Crime Scene Investigations
Essential Quality Practices for Friction Ridge Examiners
Essential Quality Practices for Latent Print Examiners
Expert Witness Testimony: Advanced Skills for Forensic Professionals
Fingerprint Evidence Processing, Collection, & Photography
Fingerprint Photography
First 48: Research-Based Forensic Victimology for Death Investigation
Footwear & Tire Track Impression Evidence
Forensic Anthropology for the Crime Scene Investigator
Forensic Interpersonal Skills Webinar
Forensic Low-Light Photography
Forensic Postmortem and Injury Photography
Forensic Professional Skills Webinar
Forensic Recovery of Scattered Human Remains
Forensic Recovery of Scattered and Buried Human Remains Webinar
Forensic Science Courtroom Testimony
Forensic Supervision
Forensic Science: Understanding Scientific Protocol Webinar
Forensic Traffic Crash Scene Photography
Forensic Ultraviolet and Infrared Photography
Forensic Use of Smartphone Applications
Foundational Friction Ridge Comparison
Full Spectrum and Forensic Light Source Photography
Fundamentals of Crime Scene Photography
Fundamentals of Crime Scene Sketching
Fundamentals of Death Investigations Webinar
General Police Photography
Human Osteology, Taphonomy, and Forensic Recovery of Human Remains
IAI Tenprint Certification Webinar Series – Part 1: Written Examination
IAI Tenprint Certification Webinar Series – Part 2: Comparison Examination
IAI Tenprint Certification Webinar Series – Part 3: Technical Examination
Introduction to Crime Scene Staging Dynamics Webinar
Introduction to Fingerprint Science and Tenprints
Introduction to Forensic Biology & DNA Analysis
Introduction to Forensic Photoshop
Introduction to Forensic Image Clarification Webinar*
Introduction to Investigative Genetic Genealogy
Introduction to Investigative Genetic Genealogy Webinar
Intro to Hazardous Materials at the Crime Scene Webinar
Introduction to Pettler's Staging Taxonomy for Staged Murders
Intro to The Murder Room Death Investigation Method
Investigative Analysis and Crime Scene Reconstruction
Investigating Narco Culture and Narco Cults
Laboratory Photography
Latent Print Sequential Processing and Preservation
Logical Latent Analysis
Math & Physics for Bloodstain Pattern Analysis
Multi-Spectral Imaging System Workshop
Palm Print Comparisons
Palm Print Search and Comparison Techniques
Photographic Documentation of Injuries Using the ALS
Physical & Chemical Processing of Latent Print Comparison
Practical Crime Scene Investigations
Practical Shooting Reconstruction
Preparing for the IAI Latent Print Examiner Certification Test
Processing Improvised Explosive Devices for Fingerprints
Processing Latent Prints on Bloody and Special Surfaces
Processing Latent Prints on Porous and Non-Porous Surfaces
Public Speaking and Effective Testimony webinar
Quality Assurance for Latent Print Examiners
Ritualistic Crimes and Religious Extremism
Ritualistic and Occult Crime Scene Investigations
Rules of Fingerprint Pattern Classification Webinar
Sexual Assault Photography
Shooting Incident & Bloodstain Pattern Documentation
Shooting Incident Documentation (2017)
Shooting Incident Documentation (2018 –Pres.)
Shooting Incident Documentation (Santoro)
Shooting Incident Reconstruction
Tenprint Certification Prep
Understanding Bias and Error in Forensics
Verification and Peer Review - Breaking It Down
Video Camcorder Surveillance
* Certification only. Not accepted for recertification credit ** Sayreville, NJ course - July 27-29, 2020 - 21 credit hours, instead of 24 hours, due to classroom availability. |